Sunday 3 April 2016

The Only 3 Worth-Your Money Body Pillows for Back Pain

Do you think it’s possible to fall in love with a pillow?

I think it is.

The full body pillow for back pain is probably the best way to fall asleep and stay asleep if you can’t seem to get through the night without back pain.

We all know that side sleeping is good for us, but it can aggravate back pain from sciatica, disc herniation, ruptured and bulging discs, spinal stenosis, spinal arthritis and muscle spasms.

Body pillows are designed to naturally conform to your body, promote sleeping in the healthiest position, and align your spine, therefore relieving your back pain and allowing you to sleep peacefully.

The 3 Undeniable Benefits of Body Pillows for Back Pain

It’s just a long pillow, but it can do bring you victory over your back pain at night:

1. Full body support while you sleep – The length of the pillow gives you full body support and encourages you to sleep in the best position (side sleeping).

Placing it between your knees will align your spine and adjust the position of your arms and legs. This will relieve pain from sciatica and bulging/herniated discs.

2. Muscle Relaxation – When your spine is aligned and your arms and legs’ weight are divided equally, you can breathe better, your blood circulation improves and your muscles can fully relax all through the night.

3. The only solution for pregnancy back pain at night – If you’re pregnant, you can’t take medication (or do anything else for that matter) for your annoying lower back pain.

The body pillow can alleviate your back pain at night and help you sleep in a comfortable position, supporting your back and belly simultaneously.

The Top 3 Body Pillows for Back Pain

When you choose your body pillow, consider its shape, its size and its materials.

Some body pillows are shaped like an oversized U, others are look like a giant candy cane (that’s how I see it anyway…) and some are rectangle shaped.

Some are softer and some are firmer, some are made from polyester and others are made from organic wool and cotton.

The 3 finest body pillows to relieve your back pain are:

1. Comfort U Body Support Pillow

This body pillow is shaped like an oversized U that goes down to both sides of your body.

This shape is excellent because you won’t have to move a huge pillow from side to side every time you roll over.

You can lie on your side and curl around it, you can switch positions and the pillow will always be there, aligning your spine.

But, it is a LARGE pillow. In a king side bed – No problem. In a queen side bed (with a spouse in it) it may get a little crowded, but your partner can curl up against the outer side and enjoy it as well.

For pregnant women this sure helps sleeping comfortably on the side and enjoying a pain-free night. It can also be used after the baby’s is born to support breast-feeding.

Materials: Comfort U is filled with a premium fiber called Fusion Foss fill – a revolutionary synthetic known to scientists as an “extended polymer” which allows air to flow freely.

The cover is made from cotton.

Weight: 10 pounds.

Size: 20.9 x 16.9 x 12.7 inches

Machine washable: Yes.
Amazon offers a great 33% discount for it right now.

2. Leachco All Nighter Total Body Pillow

This candy-cane-shaped body pillow is one of the best-selling body pillows for back pain. It’s recommended for chronic back and neck pain, respiratory difficulties and digestive problems (prevents reflux at night, for example).

This body pillow was designed by a nurse to meet the needs of expectant and new mothers, but works great for anyone suffering from back pain.

The head section in this one is extra wide and long for versatile sleeping styles or for those who love to “hug their pillow“.

Like the Comfort U body pillow, this one also saves you from moving around 4 different pillows to support your spine and relieve pressure. It is quite lighter on the weight than the Comfort U, but size is larger.

Its stuffing is pleasant yet firm and supportive.

Again, it’s a big pillow but most buyers say that it still fits in a queen size bed without their partner complaining.

Size: 36 x 22 x 13 inches

Weight: 6.4 pounds

Materials: Polyester 65%/Cotton 35%

Machine washable: Only the cover.
The Leachco pillow is the most budget-friendly body pillow and Amazon offers a most welcomed 36% discount on it right now.

3. Holy Lamb Organics Wool and Cotton Body Pillow/Gaiam Organic Cotton Body Pillow

If avoiding toxins in your bed is important to you, a natural and organic body pillow is the only way to go.

Most body pillows are made from polyester, but the Holy Lamb body pillow is filled with pure eco-grown wool and covered with organic cotton Sateen cover.

Personally, I’d opt for natural materials. We spend about a third of our life in bed and conventional bedding and pillows are full of toxins.

This body pillow is rectangle-shaped, so it can’t prevent you from tossing and turning, but it will relieve your back pain in a toxin-free environment.

Weight: 3.2 ounces

Machine Washable: Yes.

A cheaper alternative for an organic body pillow is this one.

I hope this guide has helped you make a wiser decision about the best body pillow for back pain.

Body pillows may seem pricey, but once you’ll experience the back pain relief they can provide you, you’ll realize that they are worth every cent.

I’m in love with my body pillow and I’m not ashamed to say it…

Have you ever tried a body pillow to relieve back pain and improve your sleep? How did it work for you?

10 Reasons to Drink More Coconut Water

On a warm sunny day, a glass of coconut water can instantly cheer you up. The delicate sweetness and fresh taste makes it the perfect way to escape the heat. But calling coconut water a refreshing drink is a bit of an understatement. It is a lot more than just a dose electrolytes and sugar. What are the great health benefits of this nature's very own sweet nectar? Let's find out.

Nature's Gastroenterologist
Are you suffering with indigestion or acid reflux? Coconut water's rich fibre content and natural enzymes can help you get back on your feet. There is also lot of talk about coconut water being able to cure more serious illnesses such as Crohn's disease.

Who said blood is thicker than water?
Coconut water is said to be identical to human plasma and can be injected directly into the blood stream. It is known that coconut water was used as a replacement to saline solution for soldiers during World War 2.

Anti-ageing properties
The blessed sweet water of coconut has cytokinins in it, which is a well-known anti-ageing agent. Besides this, it also hydrates your skin to make it more radiant and firm.

Fruit vs Nut
Coconut water has a better concentration of minerals than fruit juices. Studies have shown that fruit juices may give a sudden sugar rush. Coconut water is lower in calories and has much less sugar than some fruit juices.

A glass a day keeps the gym instructor away
Coconut water helps in boosting your metabolism. The higher the metabolic rate, the more fat you burn. Another plus point is that even though coconut water has a very low concentration of carbohydrates, it still gives you a feeling of being full. A perfect drink to lose weight.

Coconut lets your heart go on
Do you have low blood pressure? Keep calm and drink coconut water. It contains magnesium and potassium that help in maintaining healthy heart functions. As an added benefit, coconut water reduces the risk of heart attack and heart strokes.

Make bacteria and virus run for their lives
Coconut water has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties and can strengthen your body's immune system.

The all-in-one serum for the skin
Coconut water works like a charm against acne and other skin blemishes. It can also be used as a cure for eczema. Apply coconut over the affected area and leave it overnight. As a bonus, coconut water also tones your skin.

For healthy hair
Coconut water promotes hair growth and is effective against dandruff and lice. It can penetrate into your hair shaft, moisturizes it and gives it a healthy shine.

The perfect hangover cure
Last but not the least, coconut water is a great home remedy to cure a morning hangover.Coconut water contains anti-oxidants and electrolytes which help in treating hangovers.

Friday 1 April 2016

Ever Wondered What The Difference Is Between White Eggs And Brown Eggs? Here’s The Answer

When it comes to food, the golden rule is that brown is better. Brown bread, wheat pasta, whole wheat crackers, brown sugar - they're all considerably healthier than their white counterparts. But what about brown eggs? Does the colour of it's skin, in this case shell, make it healthier than white eggs? Or just like in the case of people, what's on the inside is what really matter.

The only real difference between brown and white eggs that you might know as a matter of fact is that brown eggs are more expensive than the white ones. Their nutritional profile, quality and type is all hearsay.

So what you should know is that do brown eggs pack more nutrients than the white ones? And if so, does that justify the price difference? And what real difference does it really make in terms of calories? Do they really taste different and does that reflect on how healthy or unhealthy they are?

According to Tro V. Bui, a visiting fellow in animal science at Cornell University, "There is no real difference in nutritional value between brown and white eggs."(as quoted by a popular daily)

He added, "However brown eggs have more Omega-3 fatty acids but the difference is almost negligible."

White eggs are laid by white-feathered chickens with white or light coloured earlobes while the brown ones are laid by brown-feathered chickens with red earlobes. You would be correct to assume that there are more white eggs in the market than brown ones but that's because breeding and raising white-feathered chickens is much cheaper. Since they aren't fed as much as their brown counterparts.

The reason brown eggs cost more is because they come from chickens that have a big appetite! And also because they're a bit bigger in size. These brown feathered chickens eat more and hence are expensive to keep.

A lot of research has been done to identify the difference between brown and white eggs in terms of nutritional value but so far the majority seems to believe that there isn't any. Dr.Gargi Sharma, weight-management expert believes that brown eggs are healthier than white egg and for those looking to get their fair share of protein and and at the same time wanting to keep in check things like cholesterol and calories, brown eggs are a better option.

However, nutritionist Niharika Ahluwalia says, "There is no real difference between brown and white eggs in terms of nutritional value. But these days brown eggs are associated with being organic which might make them seem a healthier choice. But if the chicken was fed regular food then the eggs wouldn't be organic."

Brown and white eggs taste different! Yes, they do. But that has nothing to do with quality or nutritional profile of the egg but more with the diet of the chicken that laid it. The chickens are fed a different kind of diet which impacts the quality and taste of the egg. So if you were to feed a brown chicken and a white chicken the same kind of food, the difference in taste would go unnoticed. The colour of the yolk in brown eggs is much darker, yes. But that's because brown hens are fed a lot of corn at times.

Some people believe that there is a slight difference between the shell of brown and white eggs but there really isn't. The only thing you might factor in, is that younger hens lay eggs with harder shells. But this applies to both white and brown chickens.

So the next time you're picking up a batch of eggs for breakfast make sure you're more concerned about the quality of chickens it comes from rather than it's colour.

Tuesday 29 March 2016

The Fibromyalgia Diet – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Many of the symptoms associated with fibromyalgia can be made better (or worse) with the food we put into our bodies. Some foods aid in easing the pains of fibromyalgia while other foods worsen the pains of fibromyalgia. Here is the good, the bad, and the ugly of the fibromyalgia diet.

The Good There are many good foods for fibromyalgia. They are grouped into categories by what they do.

Anti-inflammatory foods
pineapple, pineapple juice
sweet potatoes
greens such as brussels sprouts, kale, cabbage, broccoli
healthy fats such as wild fish, olive oil, and omega-3
Overall body aches
olive oil
red grapes
tart cherries
Herbal Teas
chamomile: body aches, sleeping
ginger: anti-inflammatory, nausea
lemon balm: stress
peppermint: bloating
Energy Boost
sweet potatoes

The Bad 
These foods are bad for fibromyalgia, but are okay to eat if eaten less often and in small moderations.
lunch meat

The Ugly 
There are some foods that are frowned upon for fibromyalgia. These foods aggravate fibromyalgia and can lead to flare ups. Avoid these foods if you have fibromyalgia.
processed foods
foods rich in sugars
additives such as MSG
fried foods
red meats
fast food

Nightshade vegetables should also be avoided. These vegetables are:
bell peppers
potatoes (not to be confused with sweet potatoes which are good for fibromyalgia)

Is there a food you love that helps or worsens your fibromyalgia? Which one is it?

Monday 28 March 2016

Sleep, brain dysfunction likely culprits for cognitive difficulties associated with fibromyalgia.

Fibro fog – also known as fibromyalgia fog and brain fog – is a term commonly used for the cognitive difficulties that can occur with fibromyalgia.
According to a 2015 review in Rheumatology International, some patients report that the loss of mental clarity can be even more devastating than the pain and fatigue associated with fibromyalgia. Fibro fog can manifest itself in different ways in different people but some of the most common symptoms include:
·         short term memory loss
·         misplacing objects
·         becoming easily distracted
·         forgetting plans
·         difficulty carrying on conversations
·         inability to remember new information
Although cognitive difficulties have sometimes been thought of as “all in a patient’s head,” a 2015 study in Fibro Care and Research found that fibro fog is a real issue. In a study of 60 individuals – 30 with fibromyalgia and 30 without fibromyalgia – researchers found various impairments of attention and memory in fibromyalgia patients when compared with healthy controls. What remains unclear is what is causing the cognitive challenges.

Sleep Better, Feel Better

Though the cause of fibromyalgia fog is still up for debate, many physicians and researchers theorize that fibro fog could be related to poor sleep.
“The first thing I ask my patients is how well they’re sleeping,” says Dr. Keenan. “Most will tell me that they’re waking up several times during the night or lying awake for hours. Goal number one becomes getting them to sleep well, which can help them feel sharper, as well as help them better deal with pain.”
Dr. Keenan often tackles sleep issues using a combination of tactics.
“I often prescribe patients amitriptyline (Elavil), which helps people reach the level of restorative sleep they’re often missing with fibromyalgia,” says Dr. Keenan. “I also recommend that they get as much activity during the day as they can handle, whether it’s walking 50 feet down the street or getting into a warm pool to exercise. Good sleep hygiene also is important.” 

Is the Brain to Blame?

Though better sleep has many benefits, some studies show there are simply different things happening in the brains of people with fibromyalgia. In one study, brain scans showed that from time to time, people with fibromyalgia do not receive enough oxygen in different parts of their brain. One possible reason is that part of their nervous system is off-kilter, causing changes in the brain’s blood vessels.
Additional research – though not on fibromyalgia specifically – showed that chronic pain may affect the brain. Functional MRI found that in people with chronic pain, a front region of the brain mostly associated with emotion is constantly active. The affected areas fail to shut off when they should, exhausting neurons and disturbing the balance of the brain as a whole.
A 2013 review in Current Pain and Headache Reports on cognitive impairment in fibromyalgia patients confirmed that the jury is still out on the exact cause of fibro fog. However, it did report that patients may see some cognitive improvement with a combination of physical activity, cognitive-behavioral therapy and medication.

Thursday 24 March 2016

Food Ingredients To Help Fight Fibromyalgia


These are the main ones I use and recommend but you can add others and mix it up a little of course!

Apples, Apple Cider Vinegar, Pears, Pineapples, Grapes – These foods are all rich in Malic Acid, a natural compound that plays a vital role in cellular energy production. Malic acid, when consumed with magnesium, has shown to decrease the symptoms of fibromyalgia.

Seeds, Nuts, Legumes, Dark Greens Like Kale, Collards, Spinach Broccoli – All of these are rich in magnesium. magnesium has been shown to reduce the intensity of the body’s stress response, a physical and neurological process that can trigger fibromyalgia symptoms. magnesium is especially effective when consumed with foods containing Malic Acid.

Almond, Flax Seeds, Garbanzo Beans, Sunflower Seeds – All of these foods are rich in Tryptophan, an amino acid used to manufacture melatonin in the brain. When released, melatonin regulates hormonal changes and sleep rhythms, which can both be compromised in patients with fibromyalgia.

Ginger Turmeric, Chia Seeds, Avocado – These are all foods that help to fight inflammation in the body and this is a contributing factor in the muscular and skeletal pain that comes with fibromyalgia. Specifically, ginger contains compound called Gingerols, Turmeric contains Curcumins and Chia and Avocado contain Omega 3 fatty acids, all of which are powerful antioxidants.

Macca Root (Pronounced Ma’cha) – An amazing South American superfood that has been used for millennia to improve stamina and fight fatigue in the high-altitude Andes mountains, making it an excellent energizer for those suffering from fibromyalgia fatigue.

Pea or Hemp Protein Powder – Alkalizing and highly bio available source of protein for amino acids needed for cellular energy, cellular growth, muscle repair and general tissue repair, cognitive functioning and immune functioning among other functions in the body.

Fibromyalgia Fighting Healing Smoothie Recepies

Morning Glory

2 Handfuls of Spinach

1 Banana

1/8 Cup Pumpkin Seeds

1 Peeled Orange

1 Carrot

1 – 2 Tbsp of Pea or Hemp Protein Powder

Top off to your blending devices fill line with coconut water and/or almond milk (or alternatives) and blend thoroughly and serve.


2 handfuls of Kale

1/2 Avocado

1/4 Cup Gluten free rolled oats

1 Tbsp Flax Seeds

1 Cored Apple

1 handful of Blueberries

1 – 2 Tbsp of Pea or Hemp Protein Powder

Top off to your blending devices fill line with coconut water and/or almond milk (or alternatives) and blend thoroughly and serve.

Macca Attack

2 handfuls of Chard

1 Banana

1/8 cup of Almonds

1 – 2 Tsp of Macca Powder

1 – 2 Tbsp of Pea or Hemp Protein Powder

Top off to your blending devices fill line with coconut water and/or almond milk (or alternatives) and blend thoroughly and serve.

Mal Mag Bliss

2 handfuls of Collards

1/2 Avocado

1/2 Apple, cored

1/2 pear, cored

1/8 Cup Sunflower seeds

1 – 2 Tbsp of Pea or Hemp Protein Powder

Top off to your blending devices fill line with coconut water and/or almond milk (or alternatives) and blend thoroughly and serve.

Well there you have it friends, some useful nutritional help for what is a very debilitating disorder for some and just annoying for others. Enjoy trying these recepies out and incorporating some sound nutrition into your therapy regime to help you fight off fibromyalgia. Until next time, be well, naturally.

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Food That Helps Win The Battle Against Fibromyalgia

Foods to Include in a Fibromyalgia Diet

Now let’s look at a healthy fibromyalgia diet. Replace the foods mentioned above with nutrient-dense clean proteins, raw dairy, fermented foods, organic fruits and vegetables and other foods listed in my healing foods diet.

Many fibromyalgia patients have underlying nutritional deficiencies and may be deficient in key nutrients including vitamins B12, C, and D, as well as folic acid and the essential mineral magnesium. The goal is to reduce inflammation and build the body’s natural defenses. Simply put, this requires a change in diet, a radical change for some people.

Magnesium-Rich Foods: Include lots of green leafy vegetables, pumpkin seeds, yogurt or kefir, almonds, and avocados in your diet to increase magnesium levels. Aim for a minimum of three servings a day of these foods to help ease the pain and discomfort associated with fibromyalgia.

Melatonin-Rich Foods: As sleep disorders are common among fibromyalgia symptoms, increasing the sleep hormone melatonin is recommended. Melatonin supplements are considered generally safe, but it can interact with certain medications, including immunosuppressants, birth control pills, anticoagulants and diabetic prescriptions.

Fortunately, there are many foods you can eat to get the melatonin you need! Melatonin-rich foods include the following:
  • Tart/Sour Cherries and Cherry Juice
  • Walnuts
  • Mustard Seed
  • Rice
  • Ginger
  • Barley
  • Asparagus
  • Tomatoes
  • Fresh Mint
  • Bananas
  • Red Wine

Studies show that deficiencies in zinc, magnesium and folate are linked with lower melatonin levels. This is why it’s essential on a fibromyalgia diet to eat foods rich in essential nutrients.

Foods High in Tryptophan: Tryptophan is needed by the body to produce serotonin, which is associated with restful sleep. When people think of tryptophan, they often think of turkey but there are other healthy foods with high tryptophan levels — including nuts, grass-fed dairy, wild fish, free-range chicken, sprouted grain, and sesame seeds — that can help you sleep.

Coconut Oil: Replace all unhealthy fats with coconut oil. Incorporate three to four tablespoons per day into your diet to help reduce joint pain, balance hormones, improve memory and overall brain function.

Fermented Foods and Drinks: Kombucha and other fermented products help to restore a healthy floral balance to the gut. As many sufferers of fibromyalgia also have IBS, it’s important to improve digestion. Sauerkraut and kefir should also be incorporated to the fibromyalgia diet to help relieve ‘fibro fog,’ aches and pains.

Wild Fish: Salmon and tuna are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids and other essential vitamins and minerals. For people with fibromyalgia and other rheumatoid conditions, wild fish and fish oil are essential. In fact, omega-3 supplements can curb stiffness, joint pain, lower depression and improve mental skills.

Turmeric: Add freshly grated turmeric (or curcumin) to your favorite recipes. Curcumin is the active ingredient renowned for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. To help the body absorb it properly, it’s important to consume turmeric with black pepper.

Ginger: This proven strong anti-inflammatory spice helps to relieve pain. In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study in Miami, researchers found study participants given ginger experienced a greater reduction in knee pain than those given acetaminophen.

The group receiving the ginger extract did experience more stomach upset than those receiving the acetaminophen, although digestive upset was mild. Add fresh ginger to salad dressings, marinades and other favorite recipes.

Monday 21 March 2016

Herbal Pain Relief Treatments for Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is one out of several dozen illnesses, classified as autoimmune diseases… although it’s frequently treated alongside other painful conditions like arthritis, spondylosis (degenerative osteoarthritis of the spine), and rheumatism (a general term for medical problems affecting joints and connective tissues). Medications prescribed by doctors fall into the “arthritis treatment” category, since no pain medication has been approved for the specific treatment of fibromyalgia by the FDA. Herbal pain relief is another option.

There are many theories about the possible cause of fibromyalgia pain, not the least of which is the autoimmune consideration… where the body’s immune system malfunctions and attacks healthy cells and tissues. Another theory, however, looks to the toxins stored in the body which are found in the accumulation of undigested food and waste matter in the colon. In arthritis and rheumatism, this condition is thought to settle in the joints and is commonly called amavata. Herbal pain relief has been used to treat amavata since ancient times.

The toxin theory suggests that sluggish digestion permits poisons to build up in the body, and issues with the colon permit the poisons to get to the joints and other parts of the body.

Symptoms include: fever, pain & rigidity in affected muscles, discomfort or sensitiveness in soft tissues which is irritated by any movement or activity (like walking, getting up from a chair, writing, typing, holding an object, throwing a ball, or even turning a key).

Here are some suggested herbal pain relief treatments that may help with the discomfort of fibromyalgia related to gastrointestinal issues:
  • Drink carrot juice, cucumber juice, eat cooked “colorful” plants and/or plant soups.
  • Drink coconut water.
  • Avoid known allergens.
  • Drink 8 glasses of water every day.
  • Add a digestible source of plant-based or whey protein and vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
  • On an empty stomach, eat 2-3 walnuts or some coconut.
Avoid physical and psychological stress.

Control your diet, get to your ideal weight.

Some additional suggestions for natural and herbal pain relief are:

Use herbal oils like Arthcare as a topical treatment with light massage, to relieve neuromuscular system pain and stiffness; it is also relaxing and may help improve sleep; Arthcare capsules may also have a pain-relieving and relaxing effect for fibromyalgia sufferers.

Herbal Shallaki (Boswellia serrata) comes from tree sap and has been used for the herbal pain relief, swelling, and morning stiffness since ancient times.

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) has been well-studied-and-documented as a treatment for musculoskeletal pain without side-effects even in those patients who used it for several years for herbal pain relief.

Ashvagandha (Withania somniferum) of the potato family, has been used for years in Asia for herbal pain relief, to treat rheumatism and immune dysfunctions (also known as “Indian Ginseng”).

Epsom Salt (Magnesium sulfate) has both anti inflammatory and anti- arthritic properties and it can be absorbed through the skin. Magnesium is among the most critical of the fundamental minerals in the body, and is often lacking in the American diet. It’s excellent way to increase circulation. However, in the treatment of fibromyalgia pain, care must be taken not to soak sore muscles in water which is too hot… which can have just the opposite effect when the muscles cool down.

The old-fashioned treatments mentioned here are only a few of the possible natural remedies… it is up to the individual seeker of herbal pain relief to decide what works for the treatment of their fibromyalgia symptoms. Whether you believe that gastrointestinal issues or some other cause is responsible for your fibromyalgia symptoms, a great place to start is with your diet. As a fibromyalgia survivor, I’ve used a natural treatment… an herbal-based nutritional supplement formula to take control of my symptoms, get off my medications and take my life back. I can help you to do the same thing.